How to create strong and secure passwords to keep your account safe online

How to create strong and secure passwords to keep your account safe online

Use our online password generator to instantly create a secure, random password.

Strong Password Generator to create secure passwords that are impossible to crack on your device without sending them across the Internet, and learn over 40 tricks to keep your passwords, accounts and documents safe.

What makes a password strong?

The longer a password, the more secure it is. A strong password should be at least 10 characters long.
Strong passwords use a combination of letters, numbers, cases, and symbols to form an unpredictable string of characters that doesn't resemble words or names.
A strong password should be unique to each account to reduce vulnerability in the event of a hack.

Generate strong, random passwords

Passwords are a real security threat. Over 80% of hacking-related breaches are due to weak or stolen passwords, a recent report shows . So if you want to safeguard your personal info and assets, creating secure passwords is a big first step. And that’s where the AllInOneToolbar Password Generator can help. Impossible-to-crack passwords are complex with multiple types of characters (numbers, letters, and symbols). Making your passwords different for each website or app also helps defend against hacking. This password generator tool runs locally on your Windows, Mac or Linux computer, as well as your iOS or Android device. The passwords you generate are never sent across the web.

The best password tips from the pros

  1. Always use a unique password for each account you create. The danger with reusing passwords is that as soon as one site has a security issue, it‘s very easy for hackers to try the same username and password combination on other websites.
  2. Don’t use any personally identifiable information in your passwords. Names, birthdays, and street addresses may be easy to remember but they’re also easily found online and should always be avoided in passwords to ensure the greatest strength.
  3. Make sure your passwords are at least 12 characters long and contain letters, numbers, and special characters. Some people prefer to generate passwords which are 14 or 20 characters in length.
  4. If you’re creating a master password that you’ll need to remember, try using phrases or lyrics from your favorite movie or song. Just add random characters, but don't replace them in easy patterns.
  5. Use a password manager like AllInOneToolbar Password Generator to save your passwords. We keep your information protected from attacks or snooping.
  6. Avoid weak, commonly used passwords like asd123, password1, or Temp!. Some examples of a strong password include: S&2x4S12nLS1*, JANa@sx3l2&s$, 49915w5$oYmH.
  7. Avoid using personal information for your security questions, instead, use AllInOneToolbar Password Generator to generate another “password" and store it as the answer to these questions. The reason? Some of this information, like the name of the street you grew up on or your mother’s maiden name, is easily found by hackers and can be used in a brute-force attack to gain access to your accounts.
  8. Avoid using similar passwords that change only a single word or character. This practice weakens your account security across multiple sites.
  9. Change your passwords when you have reason to , such as after you've shared them with someone, after a website has had a breach, or if it's been over a year since you last rotated it.
  10. You should never share your passwords via email or text message. The secure way to share is with a tool like LastPass that gives you the ability to share a hidden password and even revoke access when the time comes.

Why you need a built-in password generator

Simplify your digital life with a strong password generator that’s built into your browser or an app on your phone. AllInOneToolbar Password Generator can create secure passwords right as you sign up – and then remember them all for you.


Password generator FAQs

Absolutely! All passwords you create with the AllInOneToolbar Password Generator are generated locally, on your computer. They are not saved or shared anywhere else. Not even AllInOneToolbar can see the password you create. Just be sure to close this page once you’ve generated and copied your password to prevent anyone else from seeing it if they use your computer.

Because humans are really bad at coming up with truly random passwords. People often use words or numbers that mean something to them: a pet’s name, their mother's maiden name, their kids’ birthdays, song lyrics, etc. The problem with this is that you end up with passwords that are easy to guess. And remember: it’s not humans who are doing the guessing. It’s computers. An ordinary desktop computer can test over a hundred million passwords per second — and this number climbs to billions of passwords per second if the computer is using GPU-based cracking tools. Password length and complexity are essential. So don’t risk it. Use a random password generator to create long, truly random passwords that even the strongest computers can’t crack.

Yes! Using the same password across multiple accounts is a huge no-no. If hackers learn the password to one of your accounts, they’ll have your password for all the others, too. So never recycle passwords. Use different, unique passwords for every account. (And no, simply adding an exclamation mark or other character to the end of a password does not make it unique or strong. Hackers can easily crack variations of passwords like this.)

Here are the 10 worst passwords of 2017. Avoid using these passwords at all costs. If you use any of these — or even variations of these — you’re asking to be hacked.
  1. 123456
  2. Password
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. 12345
  6. 123456789
  7. letmein
  8. 1234567
  9. football
  10. iloveyou
Remember, short passwords are weak passwords. They’re too easily cracked. For the best password security, you need a long, complex password composed of a random string of characters. You should also avoid common words and phrases to prevent a dictionary attack. Only then will you have a strong password.
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