Need a free color converter?
Convert colors between formats HEX, RGB, HSL and CMYK. Simple, beautiful and fast.
Need a free color converter? Quick and easy CMYK, RGB, LAB, or XYZ conversions or use our online tool. Free Color Converter - RGB, CMYK, LAB, XYZ, HEX and more! Convert colors between formats HEX, RGB, HSL and CMYK. Simple, beautiful and fast.
Looking to do some color conversions? Use our tool below to seamlessly convert between various color systems including CIELAB, HEX, RGB, CMYK, and XYZ. To change your input values, simply select your desired system from the drop-down menu in the Settings section.
Color Converter - RGB to HEX and more
With this universal color converter you can convert RGB to HEX and several other color models. There's a short description about each color model below. The converter is also very useful to learn more about colors and color models because you can compare how a certain color is composed with different color models.
Color Models
RGB color
Consists of the components red, green and blue. It is the base color model for the converter.
HEX color
This is the hexadecimal representation of the RGB decimal values.
Luminance (relative)
The calculated relatvie luminance value for a certain color in terms of RGB-gray.
HSB color
Consists of the components hue, saturation and brightness. It's derived from the RGB color model. To better understand this color model you can think of it as the HTS (hue, tint, shade) model.
HSL color
Consists of the components hue, saturation and lightness. It's derived from the RGB color model. The HSL model is said to represent the most natural way of how we think about color.
CMYK color
Consists of the components cyan, magenta, yellow and black (key). It is the standard color model for printing. These values are by no means suitable for practical use! A very simple formula is used for the conversion calculating the inverses of the RGB values and applying a simplistic Gray Component Replacement logic. It shows that a color management setup is required for a good quality conversion and that it is important to understand the difference between relative and absolute color spaces.
CIE L*a*b* or CIELAB
Consists of the components luma, green/red and blue/yellow. If you pass a certain threshold in positive or negative direction for a* or b* values you are navigating out of sRGB color space gamut and therefore RGB values do not change anymore.
Consists of the components hue, saturation and lightness. This is a Windows ™ OS internal color model e.g. used in Paint and Wordpad. The components have a range of 0-239, 0-240 and 0-240.
Consists of the components hue, saturation and lightness. This is the color model used in Microsoft ® Office programs. The components have a range of 0-254, 0-255 and 0-255.
pHSL color
Consists of the components hue, saturation and lightness. This is the inhouse developed Painter's HSL color model covering a subset of HSL with the intention to potentially select more aesthetically appealing colors.
Web color
Shows the web color closest to the currently active color by finding the smallest distance of RGB values.
Web safe color
Shows the web safe color closest to the currently active color by finding the smallest distance of RGB values.